domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Big Bang post

Personally, I think that the concepts of stargazing explained by the book has a sort of relation with the plot of the book itself. I believe that when Sophie realizes that she is not part of the real world, and is a fantasy of a subreal world, she thinks that by doing an action in her fantastic world she may alter the real world. The very best example is what she did with the boat, actually it happened in the real world and Hilde and her father noticed something happened. This can be related with stargazing, because it can be consider a time of travel just that instead of traveling years through the universe, Sophie tries to travel from her unreal world to the real world of Hilde. In that way, Sophie traveled from her world to Hilde's real world, but not in prescence but may be in spirit or something subreal.

I can relate this with a mirror. Maybe Sophie and Alberto where at the other side of the mirror but Hilde and his father were at the front of the mirror. The actual real world is what is seen when you look up in the front of a mirror, and Sophie tried to shape that mirror so that in the actual real world, something in there would change, like if someone at the other side of the mirror makes a colored circle and then appears in the front side of the mirror, not knowing who draw it, as the example of the boat in the book.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010


1. The way economic life of the community was organized and its material, economic and social relations.

Society's conditions of production: the natural conditions and resources are available to society.

In the country of El Salvador, the production of coffee is very useful and produtive since this is a tropical country and benefits the production of coffee and helps to the economic development of it.

Means of production: the various kinds of equipment, tools and machinery, as well as the raw materials to be found there.

This oil rig is a good example of means of production since it helps nations to find oil in order to have more economic weatlh and growth.

Mode of production: what determines which political and ideological conditions that are to be found in society.

This picture represents the venezuelan flag with the communist ideology printed on the flag. This symbolizes that the venezuelan govenment has a communist ideology and totally affects the way of living of the country. the country by being communist, has an equality of economic wealth among the different social classes, so it marks a way or political condition in the country.

4. Marx's Basis of Society can be connected with the area of knowledge of natural and human sciences. Natural Sciences because it relates with the society's conditions of production, because it refers to the natural resources and geographic advantages, and Natural Sciences deals with all nature aspects. And Human Sciences relates with the mode of production because it refers to the ideology of a nation and characteristics of a way of governing, and Human Sciences has to deal with politics.

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010


1. I do agree with Descartes stance because it is correct to say that true knoledge can not be achieved without first dividing and breaking down in very small pieces a bigger subject and concluding about it, and until we dont fulfill that process, we can not give something for sure and certain.

2. This personal opinion can be related with the mathematics and history because for mathematics, students have to break down many algebraic and compunded formulas in order to understand the real significance and meaning of an equation and its solution. And for history, in order for students to understand the historyof why things happened, they fisrt have to analyze and see the different motives and reasons for something that lead to a significance change in history in order to get it thouroughly.

3. Mathematics
This is an example of an algebraic problem where you must solved for "x". This image specifies how you have to make use of a formula known before and start breaking down the problem in order to get the answer for "x", which is 58 and be sure that it is correct because it has been proven that it works the way you passed the number 18 to the other side in order to leave "x" alone and find the correct answer.


This is an image of the twin towers on fire. This a significant event that marked the life on earth because from that day on, the world was not the same. This example of history relates with my opinion because in order to understand why this could happen, we first have to break down all possible factors that lead this catastrophe to happen and it was that along the year, the United States had been oppressing and invading middle east countries in the search for petroleum which caused many conflicts between the middle east people and lead to a sort of revenge.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010



- The philosophy "ethics" by Aristotle is totally related to the area of knowledge Ethics because they share the same definition and use, with the philosophy Aristotle tried to give the idea that it all depended on how people interacted and live life in order to live a good life. And that all depended in human relationships, where he advocated the "Golden Mean" which means that there must be a balance among the different relations and aspects of human life.

- The connection it has with a global issue is with national and international security among countries. If there is no effective and reasonable balance of relations and wealth between the higher class and the lower class in a country, there would be a national insecurity in all the country because the lower class would be in need of money and needs in order to survive, which would lead to crime and violence. One personal experience is in Honduras, the corruption among the government and high class permit an imbalance with the lower class, fulfilling acts of crime as hijacking for example, in order to obtain money.

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Arts post

The intention of this picture is to try to give the idea to the audience to think that Angelina Jolie is protraying a second meaning to the adoption of children. In this picture, the artist is trying to demonstrate that Angelina Jolie is in a sort of way being seen as a goddes or a woman with divine power, as a savior, because of adopting many children around the world. The picture is actually pretty effective because it tend to make doubt people about the real intention of Angelina Jolie in the adoption of kids.
When talking about imitation, communication and education criteria, it is a very useful source since it does not imitate any other kind of art cause is a celebrity figure the one that is portrayed and it does communicate a message to the audience; to let them know that maybe Angelina Jolie is actually being seen as a savior, or maybe not, depending on the audience criteria, and in a certain way it teach people a lesson that adopting kids in a certain way is good cause it gives oportunities to children but it may be seen indifferent for the figure of Angelina Jolie cause she abuses in too many adoptions.

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Human Sciences


1. The desired outcomes of the experiment was that little kids have a tendency of following an adult model behavior.
2. The research done to reach the desired outomce was completed by performing many different kinds of experiment with children, each of them with different adults model behaviors.
3. The outcome was that, effectively, children tend to follow and behave according to an adult model behavior and it tell about humans that we can condition in some sort of way the behavior of people, in this case children.

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

Ethics post

1.Homosexuals are extremely discriminated and excluded from societies in countries of Central and South America.

2. In some part of the U.S. and Canada, homosexuality is legal and some of the member of societies accept them.

3. In europe, the majority of the countries accept homosexuality and it have legal marriages.

- Personally,I do believe that homosexuality should be illegal and is not good because first of all prevents the basic law of human reproduction and also that by the law of God it is totally forbidden.