domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010


"Doubt is the key to knowledge”. To what extent is this true in Perception?

1.This Persian Proverb is in some way true when talking about perception. When we know something, we sometimes start doubting if it is true or not, we must have enough arguments and evidence in order to believe it, there is when perception comes into play. With our perception, we decide whether what we are arguing or acknowledging is completely true, how we associate the subject to our mind and then taking out our doubts according to that subject.

2. A cultural example could be in El Salvador. People there use to eat their national meal (Pupusas) with the hands. What happen if a foreigner comes into a restaurant and eats Pupusas with fork and knife; we would be seen differently. That person would start doubting about if what he is doing is correct or not, and when he ask someone from that country we would now know about that cultural custom.

3. One example from school can be in math class. If I didn't understand a problem the teacher was explaining it can be because maybe I was not mentally prepared to it. So I will start questioning myself how can I do that problem. Then is when I will finally ask the teacher to teach me one more time in order to know how to solve the problem.

4. In my personal life, one example could be when I'm driving my car and the traffic lights are not functioning. Another car may just continue his way, not stopping for caution and at the end nothing happen to him, I may start doubting whether just continue driving not stopping to see if other car is approching. There is where my doubt would teach me later that what the other car did was wrong, because that would be reckless driving.

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